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IUVA Guidance Documents

Protocol for the Determination of Fluence (UV Dose) Using A Low-Pressure or Low-Pressure High-Output UV Lamp

Protocol for the Determination of Fluence (UV Dose) Using A Low-Pressure or Low-Pressure High-Output UV Lamp in Bench-Scale Collimated Beam Ultraviolet Experiments

This Protocol is based on the paper by Bolton and Linden (2003), but it is set out in a step-by-step manner to make it easier to follow for experimental measurements. The reader should first read the Bolton and Linden (2003) paper to understand the background for this Protocol. Also, convenient Excel spreadsheets are available either from the authors or in the Member Zone of the web site of the International Ultraviolet Association. The users of this Protocol should also consult Appendix C of the USEPA Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual (UVDGM, 2006), which is largely based on the Bolton and Linden (2003) paper. This Protocol provides more detail than does the UVDGM. However, the UVDGM also provides an excellent analysis of uncertainties in collimated beam testing. At various points in this Protocol, reference will be made to UVDGM (2006) where this Protocol differs from or expands on the protocol in the UVDGM.

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XLS Worksheet: Germicidal Fluence (UV Dose) Calculations for a Low Pressure UV Lamp

Method for the Measurement of the Output of Monochromatic (254 nm) Low-Pressure UV Lamps

Method for the Measurement of the Output of Monochromatic (254 nm) Low-Pressure UV Lamps

This protocol has been developed to present a consistent methodology for the determination and benchmarking of UV lamp output from monochromatic (254 nm) lamps operated by a corresponding power supply (ballast). The protocol can be used for testing and comparing different lamp and ballast combinations, to compare test results from different laboratories and to compare operation under different ambient conditions. The protocol is not intended for general manufacturing quality control or quality assurance testing, or as a replacement for biodosimetry for determining the dose in UV water treatment systems. The protocol should be conducted by someone who is a UV expert and preferably by a third-party independent contractor.

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XLS Worksheet: Maximum Water Level Threshold Calculation (Macro-Enabled)

Fluence (UV Dose) Required to Achieve Incremental Log Inactivation of Bacteria, Protozoa, Viruses and Algae

Fluence (UV Dose) Required to Achieve Incremental Log Inactivation of Bacteria, Protozoa, Viruses and Algae

This paper represents the second revision of a compilation that goes back to 1999. The original compilation (Wright and Sakamoto 1999) was an internal document of Trojan Technologies. The first revision was published in 2006 (Chevrefils et al. 2006). Data from the previous reviews have been included here. In addition, data from the past 10 years have been added and a new table for algae has been added. Two other reviews of the UV sensitivity of microorganisms have been published (Hijnen et al. 2006; Coohill and Sagripanti 2008).

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Uniform Protocol for Wastewater UV Validation Applications

Uniform Protocol for Wastewater UV Validation Applications

The treatment objective of an ultraviolet disinfection system used in a wastewater application is to protect aquatic and ecological environments. To ensure this objective is adequately met it is important to validate, or verify equipment performance for a specific application. The widely accepted method for completing this validation is by determining the UV dose delivery performance using biodosimetry.

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